Saturday, 8 March 2025

Blood Pressure Monitor (spend money on health)


This is part of my spending money on health. I have a 10+yr old Omron Blood Pressure Monitor and the LCD screening is fading and harder to read. It often gave me blood pressure readings in excess of 120/80, even after I had lost weight and improved my other fitness measurements.

Therefore, it was time to buy a new BPM and at the 3-3 sale I got a new Omron Complete at a good price. It monitors blood pressure and has a single lead EKG. I'm pleased to note that with the new BPM, my blood pressure consistently registers below 120/80 which is normal. The exact figure also provides me with a baseline reference. 

As for the question whether the new Omron is more accurate just because it is newer, I did my annual health screening and BP was also under 120/80, so it should be.

Speaking of health screenings, I'm pleased that my HDL and Triglycerides are in the optimal range, while my LDL is in the ok range. I attribute my better HDL to increased consumption of sashimi, fish, and nuts. On the other hand, I admit to eating a bit more unhealthily during weekends, in the hope that my healthy eating on weekdays balances it out. Lets see what I can do about my LDL.

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