I had previously mentioned that I have been buying US stocks like NKE etc to learn trading.
So far I exited PLTR, ZM, NKE and LLY at small profits. PLTR and LLY continued to climb after I sold, but that's just trading for you. I immediately redeployed the funds to add to my NKE, MCD, NVO and UA positions. (I sold NKE at $83 and re-entered below $80).
NVO has been a superstar and because I believe in the narrative that outweight Americans will simply refuse to change their lifestyle and continue to eat unhealthy food (MCD) and whenever a Doctor says they are overweight, they will just take Ozempic, but they will continue eating MCD and gain back the weight.
NKE's new CEO is back on focusing on sports performance and the Zoom Fly 6 is a great mass market carbon plated shoe. I know because I bought a pair.
Anyway, since I am planning to allocate most of my fresh funds to VWRD, I have decided that I will make 10% of my portfolio net worth available for US stock trading (i.e. shorter holding periods). Hope to learn something about investing in the process and at the same time, maybe I can finally beat the S&P500. So far so good, but I will never underestimate the S&P500.