I have previously posted about my cash /cash-equivalent strategy which involves among other products, a monthly T-bill ladder. Given the differing maturity dates and application dates, and reduced T-bill rates, I wondered whether maintaining a cash T-bill ladder is worth the hassle.
After looking into Money Market Funds, I decided to add MMFs to my cash management strategy and to discontinue my monthly T-bill ladder and add the maturity proceeds of existing T-bills to an MMF.
This does not mean I will have zero T-bills. I still plan to have a single $50,000 cash T-bill which I will roll over every 6 months. If my MMF funds get too large, I may transfer out some to buy a 1-year $50k T-bill. That should be manageable and simplify my life. At the same time, I'm not too overexposed to MMFs.
Which MMF?
My starting point is always the cheapest/lowest expense ratio. In this case, the Fullerton SGD cash fund with an expense ratio of 0.17% is my no.1 choice. I've started purchasing this using the FSMOne platform (since there are no unit trust platform fees for Diamond+ tier members) and plan to cap my exposure at $100k.
Unfortunately, my research has not shown me a good no.2 choice as the other MMFs have significantly higher expense ratios. Lionglobal has a TER of 0.31% and UOB has a shocking TER of 0.42%. Recall that the Lionglobal All Seasons Balanced Fund has a TER of 0.48%. The standard version of All Seasons has 70% fixed income and 30% equities and I would rather buy that than a UOB MMF with 0.42% TER. On the other hand as a UOB shareholder, I would like to thank all customers who purchase UOB funds.
After I reach $100k in Fullerton SGD fund and have bought my $50k x 2 T-bills, I will then have to do more research what is the next vehicle for holding my excess cash. I might even consider a balanced fund like Lion Global All Seasons (standard). With 70% fixed income and 30% equities, I can do some mental accounting and treat each $1k investment as a $300 DCA into equities and $700 DCA into fixed income, given the low expense ratio.
What Lesson to be Learnt from Chocolate Finance?
I see lots of news articles and commentaries about 'lessons' to be learnt from Chocolate Finance. For full disclosure, I never put any money in Chocolate Finance. I read that CF was started by the ex-CEO of Singlife and I knew it was 'pattern like badminton.' If you recall, Singlife offered a 'savings account' with an attractive interest rate, but cut the rates after a short while. I promptly pulled out all my cash. The Singlife customer base made it attractive enough for Singlife to be acquired.
If you read CF's website, you will know that the high interest rates were just a loss leader to increase customers number and were totally unsustainable. CF's website states that they take your money and buy a variety of MMFs. To be sustainable they can only pay you the returns from the MMF (minus any costs they may incur). If they are paying you more, they are using investors' money to do so.
So the lesson I learnt from CF is that since CF is just buying MMFs, I should just cut out the middleman and buy MMFs directly.