Wednesday, 23 March 2022

Year to date return: March 2022

Year to date, my IBKR portfolio is just managing to eke out a small gain. 

So far, for the month of March, I have put in $40k into the market to buy VWRD, LSPU and to top up various other ETFs. I have so far stuck to my resolution of buying ETFs and not stock-picking. 

However, when I see the mouthwatering moves of banking stocks like LLOY, I wonder whether I should be more flexible in what I buy. 😀


Thursday, 3 March 2022

Dividends collected Feb 2022


Missed the Jan 2022 update of dividends collected, but can't really display much of a graph with only 1 month I guess. While some counters are quite consistent in which month they pay dividends (eg: STI ETF), some counters seem to vary the month which makes year on year comparisons more difficult. 

For example, CDL HT and Ascott trust which are my larger holdings, paid dividends in March 2022 and Feb 2021.