As the year ends, I helped my family member to deposit SRS funds and use them to buy LionGlobal All Seasons Fund (Growth). This is a balanced fund comprising 70% equities / 30% fixed income with an expense ratio capped at 0.50% (currently 0.49%).
After looking through the options and eliminating individual stock-picking, I found this to really be an ideal fund. As you can see from my own portfolio, I continue to underweight US stocks so this funds weighting of 22.5% S&P 500 ETF (32.6% when considering only the equities portion) is 'just nice' compared to the 56.8% weight in world ETFs like VWRA.
My sole reservation about this fund is that its fund size is still quite small, despite it being a really attractive fund in terms of expense ration and composition. Perhaps with such a low TER, the trailer fees collected by the unit trust platforms are very low, so there is little incentive to push this fund.