Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Vanguard HK exiting (ETF delist?)

 The news reported that Vanguard HK is exiting the HK market including their ETF business. There is no news on the Vanguard site whether the ETFs will be delisted and NAV returned, or whether the ETF will so sold to another provider.

This is one of the small risks any investor takes. Its a small risk because you are getting your money back but you incur transaction costs moving to another ETF. That's why I usually hold both Vanguard and iShares ETFs. For HK, I am also holding iShares 2801  and the 2800 tracker fund.

I am vested in 2 Vanguard ETFs 3085 and 2805 and will need to move them to the iShares alternatives. A small annoyance is the fact that the iShares alternative 3010 is listed in HK$ but declares US$ dividends so if I want to reinvest I will have to change US$ to HK$ and pay 0.25% forex comm. Or maybe I just transfer the US$ dividends to my SCB US$ account.

Saturday, 15 August 2020

Standard Chartered Complimentary WSJ subscription


SCB is offering Complimentary Wall Street Journal subscriptions to PB customers who opt-in as AI, no strings attached. This is very nice of them and I like the WSJ subscription a lot more than the Priority Pass which I have no use for.  If you hit the next tier, which is Priority Private, you even get a Barron's subscription.

Of all the Premier/Priority/Privilege banking offered by our local banks, SCB's PB has to be the one with the most benefits, yet the 'easiest' to qualify because your shares/ETF count towards the $200k AUM.

Strategy: August 2020


While COVID19 rages on and US-China tensions seem high, I feel that this is an opportunity to continue accumulating. I have been buying normally through July and early August, topping up 

  • Foreign shares:LLOY, AV, GSK, SAN, TEF RDSB, PUK, WQDV, VHYD, 2805.HK, 2800.HK (RSP).
  • Local shares: CapitaCommTrust using SRS, topped up some ART and CDG

Sold $25k of SIA 3.03% at above face value (around $1.01) to build up cash reserve. Plan to sell more in the coming weeks. Submitted CDP linkage form for FSMOne so that I can use FSMOne to sell  my CDP holdings at a lower $10 commission.

Based on a rough back of the envelope calculation of my portfolio, my portfolio is 56% Singapore stocks, 44% foreign stocks. While my target is 50%+ foreign stocks, the STI currently looks rather attractive so I am really tempted to continue buying local stocks.

Dividends: Jul 2020


Dividends have been reduced due to COVID19