Monday, 25 November 2019

Mapletree Commercial Trust rights issue

I've been  holding MCT since IPO but I had never bought any new shares from the secondary market. Any additions to my holdings were through a previous rights issue (I think) + Scrip dividend from long ago (I think they stopped offering scrip dividend sometime back for this counter)

Results of the rights issue are in:  

806 allocated + 1839 excess rights at $2.24. Good opportunity to round up my holdings as I had odd lots from Scrip dividend.

Current price is $2.40. For some reason the price briefly dropped below the rights price but seems back to normal now. 

Thursday, 7 November 2019

Regular investment beats stock picking, beats holding cash & waiting for crash?

In a recent HWZ thread, those that DCA IWDA (MSCI developed World ETF) regularly in 2019 reported a year to date 20%+ money-weighted return in their Interactive Brokers Statement. 

As I am heavily exposed to UK stocks, I had no idea whether I would be losing or making money at this stage. I decided to have a look and was pleasantly surprised that I had a year to date return in my IBKR account of 14%+. Obviously, it underperformed a broad-based ETF, but given the various UK problems, I'm glad that its still a positive return and hope there is some upside after the Dec 2019 UK elections.

I guess that I can console myself that my 14% return is still better return than all those who are holding cash and waiting for the big crash and recession of 2019 that never came (well, there's still December for crash to happen).

Dividends Collected: Oct 2019

Quiet month for S$ Dividends, but Vanguard paid out its quarterly US$ and GBP dividends in October. 

Nearing the year end, I took a look at my dividend situation in 2018. it seems that this year I am on track for a decent increase in annual dividends collected, though in % terms, the increase is likely to be smaller as the absolute amount of dividends increases.

Edit: Oct 2019 dividends collected. Missed out the $ value of OCBC scrip dividend (I chose SCRIP but reflect the dollar value of the dividedn)