Wednesday, 27 March 2019

SIA 5 yr 3.03% bonds

Applied for the SIA 3.03% 5 year bonds. Despite the placement tranche being heavily oversubscribed (higher oversubscription that Astrea IV), the demand for retail tranche was only slightly oversubscribed. 

SIA's retail tranche was upsized to $450m and therefore much larger than Astrea IV's $121m retail tranche, so you either got everything or most of what you applied for. 

As a result, I got allocated 85,000. I plan to hold them to maturity unless there are compelling stock market opportunities. My cash warchest is still in the 6 figure range despite this 85k purchase so I still have enough short term cash to snap up cheap buys. But if there is a prolonged downturn, then selling bonds to buy stocks might be a good plan.

Monday, 18 March 2019

Comfort delgro March 2019- back to 'large holding'

When I did my  Jan 2018 review of my portfolio performance, I discovered that Comfort Delgro's price fell so much (-16.7%) that it moved from being a 'large' holding to a 'medium' holding.

Recently, I happened to look at the share price and noticed it was $2.50 and will go ex-dividend shortly. Doing a quick calculation, it appears that CDG has moved from 'medium' back to 'large' so I've updated my portfolio page.

I first bought CDG as a 'defensive' stock during the last GFC and did not add my holdings until 2016. I started buying at $2.43 and averaged down all the way to $1.98 (Jan 2018). I always believed that CDG could fend off the uber threat because uber had only so much money it could lose, since the Singapore market is not that big, uber was unlikely to want to bleed too much.  

Friday, 8 March 2019

Dividends: Feb 2019

STI ETF dividends this month so S$ collected shot up. From March onwards there should be enough data to revert to the cumulative dividend line graph.